School Uniform
Click here for the school uniform policy
We hold sample sizes of uniform so please ask the office if you are not sure on sizing.
Children need a named slipper bag in which to keep P.E. clothing.
ALL items of school uniform must be named PLEASE
Trainers should not be worn instead of shoes
* The following will not be accepted:- trousers with turn-ups, bootlegs, drainpipes, jeans, cargo or trousers made mainly from lycra. Suitable designs are available from Marks & Spencer
** Purchase from Brigade Clothing Limited (note - tracksuits not required for Foundation and optional for other years)
T-shirts are available in 'School House Colours' (blue, red, yellow, green). House colours to be advised during Induction programme.
Second hand uniform sales are held every half term by the Parents' Association. Details are communicated via parnentmails.